Peek-An-App API

Peek-An-App is a free-to-use API that you can use to fetch information about a given application on Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Google Play Store

Get information about a Google Play Store application. The appId needs to be the string identifier of the application, for example:

GET /api/playstore?appId=<appId>

Apple App Store

Get information about an Apple App Store application. The appId needs to be the string identifier of the application, for example:

GET /api/appstore?appId=<appId>


Get information for two applications on both stores. The androidAppId and iOSAppId need to be the string identifier of the applications and they can be different.

GET /api/all?androidAppId=<androidAppId>&iOSAppId=<iOSAppId>

The response looks like this:

  "playstore": { ... },
  "appstore": { ... },
  "errors": []

If either androidAppId or iOSAppId is omitted, the respective fields in the response will be null.


Get the latest version string for two applications on both stores. The androidAppId and iOSAppId need to be the string identifier of the applications and they can be different and either of them can be missing.

GET /api/version?androidAppId=<androidAppId>&iOSAppId=<iOSAppId>

The response looks like this:

  "playstore": "1.0.0",
  "appstore": "1.0.0",
  "meta": {
    "playstoreUrl": "",
    "appstoreUrl": ""
  "errors": []

If either androidAppId or iOSAppId is omitted, the respective fields in the response will be null.

URL Generator


AppNotFoundPlayStore (404)

The app with the specified identifier was not found on the Google Play Store.

AppNotFoundAppStore (404)

The app with the specified identifier was not found on the Apple App Store.

ParseErrorPlayStore (500)

The response from the Google Play Store was not in the expected format.

ParseErrorAppStore (500)

The response from the Apple App Store was not in the expected format.

UnknownError (500)

An unexpected error occurred.


MIT. This project was built by @jozsefsallai with the amazing libraries provided by @facundoolano.